Thursday, January 8, 2009


Alvin, Richard, and I missed out connecting flight from Cairo to Frankfurt so now were trying to figure out a way to make it back home. We are trying to hop onto the next flight but it isn't for another 10 hours. Damn... We only missed it because our first flight from Luxor was delayed. Damn Egyptian airlines... I think they did it on purpose so we stay longer and spend more money in Cairo. Haha.

Anyways, I managed to find a pretty strong wifi connection at the airport but I'm blogging from my iPhone. Wish us luck. Hopefully we'll be back in the US by Friday night so we can party at Thin! Haha. If not we might try to hope on another flight to London and connect from there. You never know maybe I'll venture around Europe...

Take care... Thanks for the comments. I love reading them. 143!