Thursday, September 11, 2008



Happy Monday everyone! Sorry I haven't been keeping up with my blog. I've been moving back to PQ, playing host in SD, partying in LA, and just straight exhausted from all the festivities. I spent the weekend in LA once again at Highlands for Myron's Vertigo Birthday Bash. Saturday Annemarie, Jomo, and I paid Kellie a visit at her new place in Diamond Bar. Then it was off to LAX for more partying with the rest of the crew. Sunday we spent watching football... Bull shit I tell you! I drove straight from LA to Bumsville for our potluck dinner... It was crackin'... We had over 20 people in the house. Thanks girls!

Thats a quick recap of my past weekend (I'll blog it soon) but lets back track to where I left off... ASR Weekend!

CLICK HERE to view photos from ASR Weekend / LA.
CLICK HERE to view photos from Victory's Photo Booth.

Friday, September 5th we hosted a party at Onyx & Thin for Blends 4 Year Anniversary. We were all excited because we had an amazing DJ line up that consisted of Gaslamp Killer, Ikah Love, Nicky Savage, & Saul Q. It was a different style of music then our usual but everyone seemed to love it! The place was crackin'... It was nice diverse crowd with a pretty good female to male ratio. HAHA

The Fizix is in the building!
Hoey Inc.
Jenny aka Mrs. Marzo!
Even Rochelle aka Roach Brah came down from LA.  Patron for the three of us!
Nicky Savage & friends!
Gaslamp Killer
Temecula in the house: Mabel, Rachel, and Sue!  I miss you guys!
Did you know if your hand is bigger than your face you have cancer...
Even Althea came out to have a shot (or two, or three) of patron too!  HAHA
Nicky Savage (Blends)
Thanks to Edwin & Keith for helping to organize this amazing event.  Props to Gaslamp Killer!
Check out the photos from the Victory Nightlife Photo Booth.  Thanks Rolando for the pictures...

Wilfredo x Willy = Santos
Rolando x Raelynn
Ollie x April
Julz x Meg
Harold with his lady friends...
Why do you look so mad JR?  HAHA
Props to Uncle Pete (Puma) and the rest of the crew!
Shout out to the EOC!  Happy Birthday to Jay and Lee!

That was the drunkest I've been at one of my events.  I apologize for being such a drunken fool.  I ended up blacking out that night while still at the club... I lost my keys, forgot my credit card, and woke up in the batcave.  It was a crazy night...

Congrats to Blends on celebrating their 4 year anniversary.  Thank you.

Here Comes Trouble

ASR hit San Diego this past Thursday and we all celebrated the opening day at the Keating Hotel's -1 Lounge with Hellz Bellz, Married to the Mob, Missbehave, and Karmaloop.  It was mad crackin'!  HAHA

CLICK HERE to view my photos from ASR weekend.
CLICK HERE to view the Hellz Bellz photos.

Peep the tub inside the Keating Suites... We so didn't mean to match!  I swear!  HAHA
White V Necks?  HAHA  TK x Moe (Victory) x Bam (Hellz-Bellz)
-1 Lounge

Moe Zarabi
Welcome to "Here Comes Trouble"...
The line outside was ridiculous... Good luck everyone!

Hellz Fam...
Thanks Charlissa (Onyx/Thin) for the shots!
Spinderella (Salt n' Pepper) x Aesthetic (SD)
Ms. Lannie of Hellz Bellz!
TK x Meg x Josie (5&A Dime) x Josh (Sould)
Sheryl x Michelle x Jessica x Mihan
Mark x Gian (5&A Dime)
Fel x Guil (TAA)
Ollie x April x Shalihe x Jen x Vince
Terry x Ramil x Jaque
Lannie (Hellz) x Moe x Jen
A few of us also mobbed over to the W Hotel for another ASR party.  They had an actual photo booth there so Annabelle, Meg, and I took a photo... HAHA  Check the wig!
Congrats to the entire Hellz family on a successful event... Lets do it again!

The Search for the Next Bumsville Bachelor!

Greets everyone! Just wanted to update you guys on what's going on in my life. 

Its been an interesting year to say the least. I moved Downtown a few months ago to Bumsville with three amazingly beautiful young ladies: Annabelle, Terry, and Michelle. We've shared so many crazy and fun memories in the short time we've known each other. We've all grown into a happy family. 

Although I loved living at Bumsville with my 3 roomies, it was hard to not get distracted by all that was going on not only in the house but in Downtown. With all the crazy traveling and partying I've been doing, I need a place to get get away from the wonderful chaos and focus on myself and being productive. Therefore I've decided to move back home to PQ with An Diep (aka Mother) and Drew (aka Brother). I still plan on crashing at Bumsville on the weekends so don't worry I'll still be around...

I just wanted to thank the Bumsville Bitches for their hospitality. In the short time we've known each other, we've really become brothers and sisters... I know its corny but its true. I love you guys! Thank you for the wonderful memories... Its funny because I feel as if we're all breaking up but we're not. Bumsville 4 Life!  143!
With that being said, here is a public service announcement from the Bumsville Bitches:

Hear ye, hear ye…ge​ntlem​en of the world​.​ Bumsv​ille is eager​ to annou​nce that there​ has recen​tly been a much antic​ipate​d openi​ng in our foyer​.​ As much as we will miss our previ​ous bache​lor we are VERY excit​ed to see what is new to come to our doors​teps.​

We are now accep​ting ONLY serio​us candi​dates​ who are fully​ appli​cable​ to Bumsv​ille’​s stand​ards.​ The bitch​es of Bumsv​ille will be fully​ dedic​ated and hard at work on their​ searc​h to find the next “Bums​ville​ Bache​lor”!​ This is the chanc​e of a lifet​ime gentl​emen,​ so pleas​e take advan​tage of this oppor​tunit​y.​

Here we post an exclu​sive appli​catio​n to those​ who are inter​ested​ in fulfi​lling​ this posit​ion.​ It is manda​tory for poten​tial appli​cants​ to inclu​de the follo​wing:​

• one heads​hot
• two full body shots​
• compl​eted poste​d quest​ionna​ire
• and a short​ essay​ stati​ng what impac​t you can make on Bumsv​ille

Requi​remen​ts inclu​de at least​ 3 of the follo​wing:​

• clean​lines​s
• culin​ary exper​ience​ i.e. can make dinne​r for THREE​ hungr​y bitch​es
• simil​ar eatin​g habit​s i.e. parti​cipat​ing in late night​ binge​s
• comed​ic quali​ties i.e. can make a bitch​ laugh​
• prefe​rable​ manly​ physi​que
• must be talle​r than the small​est bitch​ in the house​ i.e. Annab​elle
• no pansi​es allow​ed
• accep​tance​ towar​ds femin​ine tende​ncies​ and lack there​ of
• no bagga​ge
• able to contr​ibute​ to house​hold’​s elect​ronic​ colle​ction​ i.e. commu​nal telev​ision​ and compu​ter
• handy​man skill​s

Quest​ionna​ire (​Pleas​e copy and paste​ into reply​)​

1. Name
2. Date of Birth​
3. Prese​nt Locat​ion
4. Occup​ation​
5. Phone​ Numbe​r
6. Email​
7. Scree​n name
8. Favor​ite food
9. Boxer​s or brief​s
10. How many showe​rs do you take in a week
11. Do you wipe front​ to back or back to front​
12. Do you belie​ve in Santa​
13. Favor​ite song
14. Favor​ite movie​
15. Favor​ite TV show
16. Favor​ite thing​ about​ Bumsv​ille and the bitch​es

Goodl​uck!​ The “Bums​ville​ Bitch​es” look forwa​rd to those​ who apply​ and are thril​led to see who will becom​e the next “Bums​ville​ Bache​lor”!​

The Bumsv​ille Bitch​es

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Who's down for HIGHLANDS this Friday?

WBZ Labor Day Picnic

We checked out of the hotel at noon and headed up to Mira Mesa for some Vietnamese food at Pho Ca Dao.  Pho is the perfect dish to help you sober up from a long night... 

CLICK HERE to see all the Labor Day Picnic photos.

Where is Ro?  HAHA
LA is in the building...
We also stopped by the PQ house to rest up before heading out to Wildboyz Labor Day picnic.  I busted out a few of my old yearbooks, while others took a mini nap.
Welcome to the Wildboyz Labor Day Picnic...
Chantha x Ro x Bri x Sheryl
The Winning Kick/Sloshball Team.  HAHA  We came back in the bottom of the 6th inning to score 8 runs thanks to our MVP... Chris "Golden Foot" Ocampo.
Jon (Blends) rockin' his backwards wife beater... WTF?
PartyBoyZ... HAHA
W-Tang Forever!
Flip Cup 2008 World Championships: Men vs. Women
Pre-game interviews...
Tina (21XL) in mid flip...
In the end... The men prevailed victorious!
Post game interview with Willy Santos (Birdhouse | Workshop)!
Women's Captain: Cecile Nguyen aka Sister Bear
Rhoda x Althea x JR
21XL: Jan x Joey x Tina x JR
We did relay races afterwards... #1.) Wheel Barrel
#2.) Crab Crawl
#3.) Flip Cup
#4.) Bat Spin (x5)
Someone is about to tip over...
#5.) Bob for Apples... HAHA

I had tons of fun at our picnic and I think everyone else did too.  Great job party planners!  Thanks for coming out...