Last night we had a photo shoot for the Jabbawockeez for both and Its the first time we got all 10 members of the crew together for a photo shoot. I recently took down my photos of the crew in New York because we're moving them to the Jabbawockeez site. So please hang tight as we build the new Jabbawockeez photo gallery.
Here's Saso, Cross1 (Armory), and Eddie in the studio before the shoot.
-The Jabbawockeez will be performing on KUSI Morning News today shortly after 8AM.
-They'll also be doing an in store signing at Armory at 5PM. Get there early b/c the line will be out of control. Armory is located at 1539 Garnet Ave in Pacific Beach. For more info check out:
-Jabbawockeez will also be celebrating the good life at Aubergine for the San Diego Welcome Home party! This event is an exclusive 21+ party only. Presale Tickets are already sold out... Just make sure you get in line early! Good luck and see you there!
Thanks for enabling my obsessive tendencies. It's so cool that you get to do this.
BTW, maybe you can let Cross1 know that I haven't been able to get into ArmoryHipHop for a couple of days. Site down? Bandwidth exceeded? I dunno...
cant wait to see the rest of the pictures!
u r awesome!!
Tony, don't forget to update the events page with both past and future events. Otherwise, AWESOME PICTURES!!! lol.
oh and for some reason I really want to see the Jabbawockeez 101/history and their news spots. I can look up the links if you wanna add it to the 'news' section of!
let me know
*squeals in delight* I'm so excited I can't think straight. Thanks for the pictures! You rock!
are they going to have a line of different colors for masks i want a yellow the know what sucks....i live in sd but don't have a ride im pissed hahaha.....but thanks so much.....btw loving joe's "rad shirt"
This has to be an amazing time right now for those guys....all of that hard word that they have put in over the years is paying off in a major way!!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to keep the fans updated about what's going on....I want a Jabba TV shirt!!!!!
And...I hope that your foot gets better soon so you can take that poor kid back her
Are you guys ever gonna make a forum for the Jabbawockeez site?
It would be cool to have it so people have one place to go to. Just make a lot of rules cuz I know it's gonna be cuh-razy! Lol.
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