Sunday, July 20, 2008

Barbara & Julie's Picnic

Saturday afternoon George and I dropped by Barbara and Julie's birthday picnic at Crown Point for some good old fashion fun.

CLICK HERE to see all the photos from the picnic.

We arrived as they were about to start the first of many picnic games.  

Event 1: Balloon Poppin'
The first game's objective was to pop everyone else's balloon.  Last person left with their balloon... Wins!

Let the games begin!

Alysia just got her balloon popped by Alex... HAHA

"Photo of the Day" belongs to Jerry for his graceful leaping attack.  HAHA
Last two standing: Ren x Alex.  Who both happen to be the birthday girl's boyfriend/husband... Which man will come out on top?
Alex.  Check out proud Wife Barbara and not so proud Julie.  HAHA

The prizes!
"Hey Baby!"
Event 2: Relay Races

Team #1: I forgot her name x Jerry
Team #2: Nick x Maryanne
Team #3: Al x Earl
Team #4: Julie x Ren
Team #5: Mabel x Nikki
Potato Sackin'

3 Legged Race
Ren said "F*ck It!  I'll just care Julie across the finish line!"
Wheel Barrel

Julie and her co-workers...
My favorite Lesbian couple: Nikki & Alysia... Yay for PRIDE week!

Aww... Kristine & Che are so cute!!!
Event 4: Banana Races... Ready?  Set.  GO!

This is a great photo of Pat and his banana... HAHA

Birthday Girls: Julie x Barbara
Husband x Wife ::: Alex x Barbara

So cute... Not so cute George!  HAHA
Event 5: Pinata


Happy Birthday...
We love you guys!!!
Che is so cute!!!

Thanks Barbara and Julie for a wonderfully planned picnic.  We all had a blast.  Enjoy the pictures!  Friends Forever!