Monday, June 16, 2008

Metal Gear Solid 4

"Metal Gear Solid is an awe-inspiring synthesis of dramatic storytelling and entertaining gamelay."


CLICK HERE to read the MGS4 review by
CLICK HERE to watch the MGS4 Video Review by

I've owned a PS3 for almost a year now and I only have one game and a handful of Blu-Ray movies.  I haven't really put my PS3 into use until now...  MGS4 is the reason why you buy PS3!  I picked up my copy today from Best Buy.
While I was in New York this past week, MGS4 was being released at the Virgin Record Store in Time Square.  I noticed the long line outside for the midnight launch and decided to check it out.

The creator of the game Hideo Kojima was also there for the release.  Hundreds of fans were in line to get a signed copy and to take a photo with the this video game mastermind.

Time to play... HAHA