Wednesday, April 8, 2009

You want me to spell what???

My friend Anh Nguyen posted this video on Facebook this morning. Its hilarious...

Check the description:
lol... ok this was 2 funny. but suspicious. look how many times they had him say it. and look at the reaction of the black people in the back of his family lol PEOPLE, IT'S LEGIT.

NOTE: the judges are pronouncing it wrong to begin with so he was doomed from the beginning. it's not his fault. :) and YES, i am black american. and no, dont say this word and think you can get away with saying it because it's not actually the word "nigga". remember, they are saying the word wrong. it's (nee-goose) and not (nig-gah).

Time for me to work on my paper, presentation, and final for class today. After tonight I've only got 4 more class before I finish my MBA! Lets get it!