Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ABDC Season 5: Usher Challenge Pre-Interviews

Just got home from a long day at the DipDive office, this weeks taping of ABDC for the Usher challenge, and the Hennessy Black Party at Voyuer. Peter at Pacific Rim has already uploaded the videos from our pre-show interviews with a few of the crews. I left early before the show ended, but I'll post the post-interviews from after the show. Watch Angelica and my interviews and feel free to leave comments.

FYI: I keep seeing everyone asking how tall I am... I'm actually 6'3".

[Poreotix]: Did you know I'm the official 7th member of Poreotix? Vietnam in the house!

[Jungle Boogie]: Look out for the scorpion this week!

[Saltare]: How's Saltare going to light up the stage once again for the Usher challenge?

[Blueprint Cru]: We had to make it short b/c we were pressed for time so it was a quick Hi... Bye!

[DoKnock]: We did a short interview with DoKnock before I met up with him at the Hennessy Black party.

Tune in Thursday to MTV to watch America's Best Dance Crew!