Tuesday, March 17, 2009

When the HELLZ are you going to make guy clothes?

Saturday morning I headed over to the Hellz Bellz sample sale at Archrival in Tokyo Town with MelRey. There was a pretty long line of shoppers outside dying to get their hands on these exclusive Hellz samples. I wish they made clothes for guys already. I'm still waiting Lanie! HAHA.

A Crime for all Seasons...
Miss Lawn... Check out her blog: www.whatthehellz.com
Shopping shopping!
Here's the line outside of Archrival.
While all the ladies were shopping, I played hall monitor with my ferocious side kick, Sneaker (Imee's dog).
Melissa x Imee x Rino (Beat Freaks) x Lanie x Rino's Sister
Everyone definitely came up at the sale. It was back down to SD for me afterwards... Fun times once again in LA! See you soon!