Sunday, August 30, 2009

[TONIGHT] Guys & Dolls Lounge

Thanks to everyone who supported us last week @ Entree, The Guys and Dolls Edition... Due to the overwhelming response, we are back tonight and each every Sunday @ Guys and Dolls... We apologize to many of you who could not get past our door guy...

You were most likely one of the following:
1. Wearing something bedazzled or in the Affliction/Ed Hardy family
2. Your friends were wearing something bedazzled or in the Affliction/Ed Hardy family
3. You are a dude and came with more dudes
4. You did not attempt or option to pop bottles when rules 1 thru 3 on this list were broken
5. You came late and tried to text me after midnight
6. You came late and do not have my #
7. You came early and do not have my #
8. If none of the abovementioned rules were broken, you showed up on time and still did not make it in... I would suggest not attempting to come back as you most likely did not pass our doorman's discretion for an outside reason... One of which I cannot list due to the governing laws of nightlife and equal opportunity.... Juuuuust kidding!!

We love you all and apologize for any inconvenience. We are @ a new spot and working out all the kinks.

- JL